Maintaining relationships takes work.
We start relationships curious, excited, and full of hope – but life happens.
Work stressors, finances, mental health issues, family issues, and many other challenges cloud our perfect vision of being in love.
Our rose-colored glasses have turned yellow, and there is a new awareness of our partner’s flaws. These shortcomings become unbearable and painful.
After months of being in love, we are now dreading walking into our home. We wonder, “What mood will they be in; do they still love me?” Anxiety and fear fill our minds and take a toll on our bodies.
Fear drives relationships apart.
How can we expect to love our partner when we are full of fear?
Fear engages a protective response in the brain, which wants to protect us from a deep hurt.
Our brain has coded our partner as someone who causes deep hurts. Autopilot kicks in, and we are in a fight, flight, freeze, or fawn mode.
Fear no longer empowers us to connect but instead feels driven to protect.
Life coaching helps make a positive connection.
Our goal in coaching is to empower you with new mindsets, tools, and strategies to navigate your brain’s autopilot artfully.
Connection is the goal, not protection. We want to find ways to connect to our partners while in our deepest pain.
When we can viscerally feel seen, heard, and understood, our brain feels safe and will not seek protection through the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn behaviors. Instead, our brain will seek our partner for comfort and engage in connection strategies that strengthen our bond.
Are you ready to seek connection over protection in relationships?
Contact me today to begin your journey toward connection.
“To be human is to need others, and this is no flaw or weakness.”
– Dr. Sue Johnson